Proposed Wild Horse Reservoir site


Aurora Water is proposing to build Wild Horse Reservoir in Park County, Colorado about six miles west of Spinney Mountain Reservoir. It would store up to 93,000 acre-feet of water. Wild Horse is needed to improve Aurora Water’s system reliability and resiliency; help expand its potable reuse to meet future water needs; and provide water management flexibility during droughts or system emergencies.

Water storage is a critical part of the city’s long-term, comprehensive plan that also includes ongoing conservation and reuse and more flexible management of water rights. Aurora has one of Colorado’s most effective and successful water conservation programs. Since 2000, the city has reduced water use per person by up to 36%.

Aurora also leads the state in reusing water. The city plans to expand its potable water reuse system and the water stored in Wild Horse Reservoir would be used to maximize reuse. However, conservation alone will not provide the water needed to meet Aurora’s future needs.

Information on this website is provided by the City of Aurora. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is currently conducting an in-depth analysis of impacts to cultural and historical resources, wildlife and environment under the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA). Their report will be published upon completion and a link to it will be posted on this site.

Aurora’s goal is to begin construction in the mid-2020s, with projected completion in the early 2030s.

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