The proposed Wild Horse Reservoir site has favorable topography, geology, and environmental conditions. The reservoir’s depth and surface area would be optimized to minimize evaporative loss.
The reservoir would be impounded by three dams for a surface area of approximately 1,650 acres and approximately 90,000 acre-feet of active storage. Water would be transported into Wild Horse Reservoir from a new tap on the existing Otero Pipeline and through an inlet valve house. The proposed 60-inch-diameter inlet pipeline would be approximately three miles long. Water would move out of Wild Horse Reservoir from the outlet works valve house through approximately nine miles of new 66-inch-diameter outlet pipeline connecting to Spinney Mountain Reservoir inlet works.

Aurora Water selected Colorado-based Flatiron and joint-venture partners Dragados USA and Sukut Construction (FDS JV) to provide Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) services for the proposed reservoir. The team has been initially contracted for three years to help inform the design and pre-construction services. Additionally, FDS JV will evaluate the location of a future test quarry and implement its construction.
Once all needed permits are approved, construction would occur seasonally over approximately five years, including reclamation. The target construction completion is in the 2030s. At maximum construction of the reservoir, a workforce of up to approximately 500 people is anticipated. Temporary housing might be constructed on city-owned property.
Aurora Water and its contractors are committed to working closely with Park County, local residents, businesses and others to minimize and address impacts. Aurora and/or its contractors would coordinate directly with any impacted landowners before and during construction to answer questions.
As with any major infrastructure construction, various components of the Wild Horse Reservoir construction would require the movement of trucks and machinery through roadways in Park County. Portions of CR53 would need to be relocated and improved, and some other roads may be closed for short periods; however, access to properties in the area would be maintained. Any traffic reroutes would always be clearly marked before and during road closures or construction. Construction areas would be appropriately marked with signs and fencing. Safety will be paramount on this project.